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Keyboard Echoes - Writing

Keyboard Echoes Page

Short stories, thoughts, musings, articles on narrative techniques and more.

In this section of the site I collect articles on various topics.

I have identified five categories:

- Short stories, which may also have some autobiographical sparks
- Musings: articles of meditative mark and non-fiction
- Ego-thoughts: descriptions and reflections depicted from an individualistic way of seeing things
- Metawriting: articles about my works and the narrative techniques I use
- #20Again: the rejection of fatigue in a society that rejects death

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White Rock featured photo
If I were a White Rock
Rising Water Featured photo
Watching the Rising Water
Walls and Casemates featured photo
Walls and Casemates
Asterisk featured photo
Raised on Asterisks
Traveled Again featured photo
Upps!ala, I Traveled Again
Eyes heart featured photo
7 with my Eyes, 1 with my Heart


Nothing Pending featured photo
Nothing Pending
Road Trip featured photo
Journey, okay. And Destination?
Maldives featured photo
I dream of dreaming in the Maldives
Chiaroscuro I part featured photo
2020: last Rift in Chiaroscuro (I part)
Chiaroscuro II part featured photo
2020: last Rift in Chiaroscuro (II part)
Amalfi Coast featured photo
Water and curves: my Amalfi Coast
Culture Shock featured photo
Culture shock? ...15 years late


My Novels in brief photo
My Novels in brief


From the Terrace featured photo
From the Terrace
Italy Colors featured photo
Italy 11-2020: my Colors
Italy Colors featured photo
Italy 11-2020: my Sounds
Line Balance featured photo
The Balance of one Line among many
Sarajevo featured photo
The Sarajevo that I have chosen

Short Stories

Vaccination Adventure featured photo
My crazy Vaccination Adventure
Gab from Cavtat featured photo
The tactic of Gab from Cavtat